Last updated November 16, 1998

Apollo Hoax Activity Results

Here's what I got:

I gave the X-Tract site a 26 which falls 10 short of even being average. It lost points because it had few graphics which were not very aesthetically pleasing and because there was no contact information, no update information, and no credibility information or citations whatsoever. I find no reason to trust the author of this site.

I gave Nasa's site a 48 which is the minimum of a worthy site. It lost points because of having no graphics and being way too long for one page. In every other respect, this page was great. It gave author information and provided a contact address for questions. The had an update section and comes from a reputable source with valid links to pictures and more history, including recent facts.

Xtract score: 18
Nasa score: 51
Xtract opinion: Positives: The site was well-organized and the links worked.
Negatives: No sources cited. No author name. Author did not seem credible. No contact address or date when it was last updated.
Nasa Opinion: Positives: Well-organized. Sources and author were cited and seemed credible. There is a contact address and date when last updated. The links work.
Negatives: No pictures or sounds, aside from the clip art at the top. (Not really a negative, because it was a long article and adding pictures and sounds would have made it hard to download.) As it is, downloading is a little slow.
UserName: Tammy McConnell

This is the form posted

Xtract score: 16

Nasa score: 60

Xtract opinion: It had a verry bad rateing becuse It had cuse words thourgh out the page.

Nasa Opinion: It was awsome! It gave great information through out the page.

UserName: Stephanie and Josh


This is the form posted

Xtract score: 12

Nasa score: 46

Xtract opinion: I didn't like it because he kinda'had an additude against everybody when EVERYBODY DIDN'T DO SQUAT TO HIM...........

Nasa Opinion: I liked it because it gave a lot of useful info.

UserName: CODY


This is the form posted

Xtract score: 20

Nasa score: 35

Xtract opinion: It wasn't very good I wouldn't use it for a report.

Nasa Opinion: Iwoudn't use it unless Icouldn't find anything better.

UserName: Autumn



This is the form posted

Xtract score: 14

Nasa score: 55

Xtract opinion: It wasn't done very good. It didn't have a name of anyone who wrote it. It didn't even have a E-mail address....It didn't even say where he got his information from...Kinda weird...He also used bad language..

Nasa Opinion: It was realistic....It had an E-mail address. It had where he got his information.It was a nice site.



This is the form posted

Xtract score: 16

Nasa score: 54

Xtract opinion: It's bad.

Nasa Opinion: It's good.

UserName: Amy



This is the form posted

Xtract score: 18

Nasa score: 60

Xtract opinion: it stinks

Nasa Opinion: it was great

UserName: scooter



This is the form posted

Xtract score:

Nasa score:

Xtract opinion: it stinks


Nasa Opinion: it was nice

UserName: cookie monster


This is the form posted

Xtract score: 20

Nasa score: 43

Xtract opinion: Wasnt good enough to use for a report.

Nasa Opinion: Nicely done and very well organized

UserName: Pumpkin Boy


This is the form posted

Xtract score: 21

Nasa score: 58

Xtract opinion: It was a bad web site because it put people down

and had bad lanuage.

Nasa Opinion: It was a good site with a lot of information

UserName: andrea

Xtract score: 27
Nasa score: 50
Xtract opinion: I don't think that the guy who made the site knew what he was taking about.
Nasa Opinion: I thnk that if I needed some info about the site, it would be helpful.
UserName: peter b

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