Amazon Dilemma

Scientists working for Rainforest Corp have discovered a cure for cancer. It is a medicine synthesized from a particular variety of exotic Amazon Rain Forest plants and flowers. This drug has the capacity to cure any form of cancer, but only 40 percent of the time and only on 50 percent of the population. It can depend on the person. Unfortunately, the process of synthesizing this drug produces high levels of toxic waste. A new, special factory will have to be built which will pollute the air and water for a 20 km radius. The polluted water will work its way into the Atlantic Ocean as well as up the Amazon River.

Rainforest Corp has leaked to the press that they have discovered a cure for any cancer. The public is excited at the prospect and the pressure to build the new factory is strong. Rainforest Corp has worked with the legislature here in America to draft a proposal for tax dollars to help fund the new factory. The location for the new factory is in Brazil, in the city of Macapá, in the state of Amapá, near the river, between Ilha Redonda and Pôrto Do Céu.


A pro position is to go ahead, build the factory, and begin synthesizing the drug regardless of the damage to the Amazon Rainforest.

A con position is to keep searching for a cure for cancer that does not hurt the environment, in other words, not to build the factory and not to synthesize the new drug at this time.

[Student groups will be assigned either a pro or con position. Their task, to research their position and defend it to a group with the opposite position in a debate. Debates will proceed as follows:
Opening remarks 20s,
Presentation of arguments 2 min,
Rebuttals 1 min, and
Closing statements 1 min.

Here are some websites for you to research:
A Macapá study and in Amapá
A good map of Macapá
Macapá Port (in Portuguese)
Macapá homepage (in Portuguese - Macapá translation & Amapá translation)
More Macapá picts (in Portuguese)
Up to date weather in Macapá
Current weather conditions in Macapá
Current date and time in Macapá