Classroom Expectations for Mr. González

I have three simple classroom rules and seven helpful strategies for working in cooperative groups. The consequences for breaking these rules follow a five step plan. After breaking rules three times in one day, students will have to serve after school detention. I will assign the detention for the day after the rules are broken to give your child time to tell you about it in case you need to make arrangements to come and pick her/him up.

My expectations are simple. I expect every single student to be on-task when we are working. I expect every single student to work well and cooperatively with her/his group. I expect every single to student to be a problem-solver, not a problem-maker. When I see students off-task, wandering, not helping their group, or doing all the work for their group, that is when I begin to warn and give consequences.


Class Rules

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Listen when a someone is talking (especially the Teacher).



1st time: = WARNING

2nd time: = Think Time (this step can come without warning)

3rd time: = 15 minutes after school detention

4th time: = 30 minutes after school detention

5th time: = Disciplinary referral to Principal


(Severe behavior goes straight to the 5th time = Disciplinary referral to Principal.)


Cooperative Group Strategies

1. Use one foot voice (quiet voices) when working in groups.

2. Take turns sharing (one student per day in charge of the keyboard and mouse).

3. Be polite and listen to each other.

4. Praise each other.

5. Help each other.

6. Talk about problems, troubleshoot yourself. If, after everyone has given input, the problem is not resolved, then raise your hands and ask the teacher.

7. Be responsible (contribute to your group but don't do all the work yourself). Everyone works!