Copy the Following Chart in Your Notebook
Crown # mass volume density

Questions (answer these in your notebook):

1.  You have just calculated the density of each of the 5 crowns.  Refer to the chart "Density of Common Substances" and explain why the property of density is valuable in the identification of a substance.

2.  Using the evidence from your density calculations, and the chart "Density of Common Substances", identify the crown made of pure gold.

3.  Refer to the density of each of the four remaining crowns.  Predict of what substance each is made.  Refer to the chart "Density of Common Substances" to explain your predictions.

4.  Formulate a hypothesis as to how you think the fake crowns were made to look like the crown of pure gold.  Devise a test to test your hypothesis.

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Click here to see the "Density of Common Substances" Table.