Chimacum Eagle
Advanced Technology -
Mr. González

Advanced Technology
Al González
6th period
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),

      Last year your child filled out an application to take Advanced Technology. I'm writing this letter to remind you that your child is now enrolled in Adv Tech and to let you know what s/he will be doing in my class. In this class, students will be learning about the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), HTML, making web pages, and all the ethical considerations that go along with learning and publishing on the Internet. Students will learn the HTML language in such a way that they can code a document for publishing on the WWW with or without the assistance of an HTML editor (software that does all the work for you). Students will create a web page of their own then obtain a free web page account to put their web pages on the actual Internet. To help students do this, as well as to help them get permission to use copyrighted material off of the Internet, your child will be provided with her/his own school email account.

      The class day consists, for the most part, of a teacher directed lesson in which students are required to take notes, followed by hands on practice. Students in this class are required to have their Internet consent form signed and on file before they are allowed on the WWW and they are expected to view only acceptable sites for use in this class. Email must also be used properly and safely.

      Any breach of this trust will result in loss of computer use and/or email privileges. In an advanced technology class, that is devastating and the student will have to do other work to make up her/his grade, as well as take the required notes. If a student is absent, s/he is responsible for getting that day's notes from a friend and turning it in to me.

      Students will receive a letter grade in this class. In order to receive a passing grade, students are required to take notes and participate in the daily activities. Failure to listen during lecture or failure to participate in the correct activity for the day will result in a loss of points which will lower the student's grade. Misbehavior, such as disrupting the class, using the computer improperly, or trying to use the computer while the teacher is teaching, will also result in loss of points and/or loss of computer use and/or email privileges. The time a student is off the computer for any reason is determined by the teacher and is not lenient.

      The reason for such harsh consequences lies in the sensitive nature of the technologies we are dealing with. Also, the WWW is a public place and students in this class will learn how to publish their work there. If something goes wrong such as copyrighted material appearing on a student's personal homepage, then the school is held liable. I have to trust every student in this class because I do not have the time to watch every student all the time. This also applies to email. I have to trust that email privileges will not be abused. The only way you will be getting a call from me saying that your child is failing is if the assignments are not done or if your child is seriously misbehaving.

      If it is alright for your child to participate in all of these activities, please sign this sheet and have your child return it to me tomorrow. If this sheet is not returned to me, I will assume that your child cannot participate in these activities and will have to be assigned other work to make up the grade. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 732-4219. Thank you.


_____________________________________ Parent Signature

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This Home Page was created by Al González.