Chimacum Eagle
Advanced Technology -
Mr. González

Advanced Technology

What you need to pass this class:

1. Complete a class project web site (30% of your grade) then make a personal home page of your own about anything you like to showcase your class project web site (30% of your grade and it has to be appropriate). All the pages - yes, you will be making multiple pages - must be all linked to each other. The remainder of your grade is made up by behaving well (not disrupting the class, not playing games on the computer, not spending more than five to ten minutes a day on email, and not just surfing without working on your web page - in other words, just work on your web page everyday and you'll do great) and by not missing too many days and not being tardy (10%), completing all the in-class activities (20%) and successfully completing both online quizzes (5% each for a total of 10% which equals 100% of your grade when added all together).

2. To use your email privileges correctly and appropriately.

3. To know how to load your home page onto the WWW and do it via GeoCities or whichever free provider you choose (you will learn about this later in the quarter).

What you need before you can load your homepage to the WWW:

1. You need to have a theme or purpose for your home page. It needs to have some content, not just all pictures. Your site needs a title on the page, with a title in the TITLE tag. It needs to be clear who the audience is (who the web page is for). And it should be fun or educational, or preferably both.

2. You need to use the tags you learned in class.

3. Your site needs pictures that you made and that you borrowed off the web. You can use pictures from free sites as long as you provide links back to the sites you got them from and that you mention where you got them from. If you use anything else off the web you need to cite it properly and, finally, you must email a webmaster or author for permission to use something that is copyrighted.

4. Your site needs color and maybe even a nice background (give credit!).

5. Your site needs links (that's what hypertext is all about) and all your pages need to be linked to each other somehow.

6. When you have met the above five criteria, Mr. González (or a helper) will show you how to open a free web page account. With that, you can load your web pages onto the WWW!

School web page (for extra credit):

1. The Middle School has a web page that students in this class can help maintain and improve. If you would like to do this for extra credit, let Mr. González know.

2. If you are done with your web page and you helped improve the CMS web site, continue improving and adding cool stuff to your personal homepage. In other words, in this class you are never done so don't sit around emailing all period long or just surfing without doing anything.

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Copyright © 1998 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.