Chimacum Eagle
Advanced Technology -
Mr. González

Adv Tech T.A. Duties & Responsibilities

This is a contract that all returning Adv Tech T.A.'s need to sign and abide by. Not signing this contract will result in your displacement from this class at this time. Abiding by all its points will earn you an A grade.

I.   Help new students with basic HTML, using netscape and simpletext together, acquiring an email account and a geocities account, or other, (when it is time and not before). No student should have to wait for help anymore.

II.   Keep developing your own web pages and do the projects all the other students are working on - all of them. This means no game playing in the lab during class and no wasted surfing.

III.   See that the lab and all the computers are cared for, kept neat and clean (this means that everyone needs to pick up their garbage and that all chairs need to be pushed in at the end of class). Remind the new adv techers.

IV.   Learn the newest technology by going to tutorials on the web. Add frames to your web site, learn JavaScript, CGI, IRC, ActiveX, Shockwave, MPEG3, how to create Chatrooms and mailing lists for educational, ThinkQuest pages, CSS, and/or DHTML and so on.

V.   Make your own graphics and sounds to use on your web pages.


I have read and understand the aforementioned duties and responsibilities and I can and will abide by them.

____________________________      _________________
      Student signature                                       Date

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Copyright © 1998 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.