Chimacum Eagle

Advanced Technology -
Mr. González

Advanced Technology                                                         Mr. González

Name ________________________________                   Date _____________

Web Page Project

1. Pick a project that you are either currently working on in any class you like, that you completed anytime in any class you like, or that you will be working on for any class you like. (Are you beginning to get the picture? Any class project is cool!)

What is the project you picked? (Describe it briefly.) _______________________


                                         Mr. González, check off__________


2. If you had any artwork that you created and used on that project, bring it in. If it fits on a regular 8 1/2" by 11" paper, we can scan it, otherwise you may need to reproduce it on computer or on paper.

                                            Mr. González, check off__________

3. Using GraphicConverter or Claris Draw, make some graphics that go with your project. Save them as gif files and keep them in your server file and on a disk (you will need this disk later to turn this in).

                                                Mr. González, check off__________

4. Make a web page about your project. Use the graphics you made in step three and/or whatever, if anything, you got from step 2.

                                               Mr. González, check off__________

Visit the sites on the following page, or other Free ClipArt sites, to have more pictures on your web page.

                                               Mr. González, check off__________

5. Save everything you make (all the .html files and all the .gif or .jpg files) on your disk and on the server, both, in case the server is down or your disk gets damaged.

                                             Mr. González, check off__________

6. When you are done, hand in the disk with all your web pages and pictures to Mr. González for a grade.

Remember, you can continue working on your project and/or improve it for a better grade throughout the whole quarter.

Once you are done with this project you may begin making your own personal web page, which will be premiered on the school web page, for your final project. You must link your first web site to your second web site. Your grade in this class will mostly be made up from these two projects (along with attendance and behavior in class, your ability to work on and learn everything taught in this class, and the vocabulary quiz which will make up the rest of your grade).

                                     Mr. González, check off__________

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Copyright © 1997 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.