Chimacum Middle School's
Acceptable Use Policies

Grade level: 6, 7, and/or 8

Project Objectives:
Chimacum School District's Informed Consent Agreement Form will be be used to go over Acceptable Use Policies prior to using any computer lab. Class discussion will focus on what is appropriate behavior for using the school's network and for accessing the Internet and/or using e-mail. Inappropriate use will be discussed as well, including consequences.

Learning activities (teacher component):
Familiarize yourself with the School's AUP and the issues that are covered in the
Informed Consent Agreement Form. This will be an in class discussion, no computers are needed. Follow up with an Internet search lesson, maybe a scavenger hunt, reinforcing appropriate use.

Instructional Activities (student component):

  1. Hand out to each student a copy of the Informed Consent Agreement.
  2. Break the students into seven groups (four per group if possible) and assign to each group one of the eight bulleted items of Acceptable Use (one group will take the last two items).
  3. Each group will decide on a way to share their item with the class including examples of appropriate and inappropriate use. Groups can use charts, drawings, make posters, etc. as they wish. (30 minutes)
  4. Once all the groups are done presenting, go over the consequences of inappropriate use.
  5. End the session by having the students sign their copy of the form, take it home and have their parents sign it.
  6. On the following day, collect the signed forms. Those who completed their homework will be allowed to participate in the follow-up, computer lab, internet search lesson.

Instructional Strategies:
This unit will take from 90 minutes to two hours depending on how creative the students get with their presentations. Figure about 30 to 45 minutes for them to prepare their presentations, about 30 to 45 minutes for present, and about 30 minutes of follow-up discussion including consequences.

The motivation is getting to participate in the next lesson in the computer lab. Any computer lab lesson will do here for this is the carrot at the end of the stick and the thing you're looking for is appropriate use of the internet and the network.

Student Activities:
While the students are in their groups, the teacher monitors to ensure that they stay on task which is to discuss appropriate vs. inappropriate uses of technology. This could lead to some great discussion.

Project Assessment:
Students can be assessed first, by participation in their groups, and finally by their group product.

Project References:
CSD Informed Consent Agreement
Permission to Publish
Law and Order Comes to Cyberspace By Edwin Diamond and Stephen Bates
Engines for Education