Basic HTML Tags
Here's how to publish your report or anything on the WWW:

1.      First, make sure that you are in SimpleText.  At the very top of 
the page, type the following:

        <TITLE>Put your name here</TITLE>
<CENTER><H1>The title.</H1></CENTER>

2.      At the beginning of EACH paragraph put a <P> (just the way 
it's typed here), for example:

Fourscore and seven years ago, our forefathers came forth to do something 
or other.  And they did it...

        If you want to indent your paragraphs you will need to put five   
in front of the first line (this is because Netscape doesn’t listen to you 
when you use the space bar or the return key, Netscape only understands 
code - and then only if it’s 100% correct!).  For example, the above 
paragraph would now look like this:

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Fourscore and seven years 
ago, our forefathers came forth to do something or other.  And they did 

3.      Netscape lets you take pictures off of any web page you see.  All 
you do is put your cursor arrow on the picture you want (ONLY if it’s not 
Copyrighted, ONLY if it’s free!), then hold the mouse button down until a 
dialog screen comes up.  Go to Save this image as... and release.  Then 
click on save.  The image is now on your hard drive (you could also save 
it onto your disk if you want).  You can do a search on any search engine 
for free and clipart.  This will take you to many pages on the web where 
you can copy pictures of all kinds including buttons, drawings, pictures, 
animations, lines, and backgrounds!  You will also learn how to make your 
own on ClarisWorks.
        Where you want a picture to show up on your web page, type the 

<IMG SRC="name.gif" ALT=”Name of  the picture.”>

The word name.gif is the name of the picture you're using (yours will be 
different).  It has to be typed EXACTLY as you have it saved on your disk 
or hard drive.  Pictures have to end in .gif or .jpg (ONLY and EVERYTIME).

4.      To create a link, type the following:

<A HREF="">Write the name of what you linked 

This example creates a link to the Rabbit in the Moon site that is at the 
URL <>.  To make a picture a link, type the 

<A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="name.gif">

        The <A HREF=”http://...”> is the link tag closed at the 
</A>, and the <IMG SRC=”picture name...”> is the picture tag.  
The picture tag is within the <A ...> and </A>.  The picture 
tag is not closed.  Notice which tags are closed and which ones aren’t.  
The <P> wasn’t closed.  You may close it if you want, for example:

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Fourscore and seven years 
ago, our forefathers came forth to do something or other.  And they did 

5.      At the very bottom of your web page, type the following:


6.      When you are ready to save your web page it is very IMPORTANT that 
you save it this way:
        The name of the page can be anything you like as long as it has no 
spaces (and only numbers and letters, don’t use symbols like !@#$%^&*), 
and it has to end with a dot (.) html.

7.      Once you have saved it, open Netscape (if you haven’t already and DO 
NOT exit or quit SimpleText!  You’ll need it open to make changes and fix 
errors.), in Netscape go to File, then Open File... (let go of the mouse 
button).  Find your web page (nameofpage.html) and click open.  Voila!  
You should now see your web page!  If anything is wrong or doesn’t look 
good, then you made an error somewhere in your code.
        Any little error, like forgetting a closing bracket, <CENTER 
(should be <CENTER>), forgetting a closing tag (except for <P> 
which doesn’t need to be closed) like, <CENTER> without putting a 
</CENTER> or <H1> without an </H1>, will cause
errors and your web page will look wrong.  Spaces where they don’t belong 
also will mess up your page, like if you typed <BODY > instead of 
<BODY> (the first one has a space before the last >).  These 
little things will all cause errors.  Be careful!  And good luck.

Copyright © 1997 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.