Research on the Web Mt. Saint Helens
First and foremost!
Pick a topic The topic can't be too general, like Mt. Saint Helens. There is TOO MUCH information on Mt. Saint Helens. The topic can't be too small, like How tall is Mt. Saint Helens? The answer to that is too short, you can't write a report on that. The topic needs to be just right, for example, we will do Mt. Saint Helens' Lava Dome.
What we already know: 1. Pick a search engine like Alta Vista, MetaCrawler, or Yahoo. Let's use Alta Vista. 2. Type in what you need to find: we will type Mt. Saint Helens and lava dome. (Type it in EXACTLY like I wrote it without the underline.) 3. Look at the sites your Search Engine found for you. Go to the best ones, hopefully the first four sites are the best. Now what? 4. Take notes. READ through the site and write down what you understand in your own words (summarize don't plagiarize). a) For Example, Alta Vista's first three sites are pretty darn good. Go to the very first site, #1. 1) The pictogram there has a picture with the size of the lava dome. Copy that information. Go BACK. 2) Mt. Saint Helens Lava Dome (lists places to go). Go to the first one, Description: Mt. Saint Helens Lava Dome. The first paragraph is too hard, read the second and third ones and copy information from there that you understand (in your own words!). Go BACK. Go to Composite Domes, copy any new information you find. Skip Mt. Saint Helens: Post stuff. Go to the Table: Linear Dimensions of Mt. Saint Helens Lava Dome. Copy the length, width, and height in meters of the dome on October 18, 1980 and October 21, 1986. Go BACK. Go to Pictogram: Growth of Mt. Saint Helens Lava Dome. Copy the information you find there. Go BACK twice to Alta Vista. 3) Go to Mt. Saint Helens and other Volcanoes, Lava Dome features. Visit some of the sites on this web page and take down some more notes of your own (make sure it's new stuff that you don't have!). The more notes you have the easier it will be to write your report.

Copyright © 1997 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.