Chimacum Eagle
6th grade Math

Pre-Course I Math
Al González
Block A (Day 1, 8:35 am - 10:25 am)

      Students are learning Everyday Math this year to prepare them for 
Course I.  Materials students will need to be able to get the most out of 
this class are as follows:  a calculator (preferably a scientific 
calculator like the TI-32 but anyone will do), a tape measure
 (with metric and standard), a deck of cards, two six-sided 
die, a compass, and a protractor.  Your child will be 
bringing home occasional homework assignments called study links, 
feel free to assist your child with it.  I will be grading on a regular 
scale from A to F where an A+ is 100% and an F is 59% or less.  Following 
is a description of what we'll be doing this year.

I.	Course Description/Overview
 	A.	Numbers
  		1.	This year's Pre Course I Math class will begin with a
			comprehensive study of numbers.  All the games and 
			activities that will be used are geared toward building 
			a solid mathematical base.
 			a)	We will begin the year with arrays to get a good 
				idea of what multiplication looks like and 
				feels like.
			b)	From arrays we will study factors, prime numbers,
				composite numbers, and practice all the 
				multiplication tables in fun and exciting ways.
 	B.	Calculations
 		1.	Next, we will work on problem solving and from there 
			learn all about adding and subtracting decimals.
 			a)	Then we will study probability and 
				multiplying decimals.
 	C.	Geometry
  		1.	We will be studying angles, triangles, polygons, and 
			tessellations learning to use the compass and protractor.
	D.	Fractions
		1.	We will end the year with fractions and how they are
			related to decimal and percents.  If time permits 
			we will study division and maybe even begin 
			looking at some pre-algebra!

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This Home Page was created by Al González.