Mr. González' Classes
Homework/Daily Activities
Week 7, 3/17 to 3/21
(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.)

6th Grade Science

Monday - ITBS testing this week!

Today we will grade our soil drainage lab packets and our students will score their lab write-ups.

The water in the creek is way too high and fast today. We will not set any traps this week until the water level goes down and until it slows down!

HW - None

Tuesday - Today we will finish grading the lab packet and/or scoring the lab write-ups. As groups finish scoring their lab write-ups (or finish their lab write-ups), they can work on their Geology Hyperstudio stacks to make them better before I score them.

BMX Assembly today.

HW - None

Wednesday - Today will be everyone's last chance to either finish their lab write-up and get it scored, or to make their Geology Hyperstudios as excellent and exciting as possible.

Early release today.

HW - None

Thursday - In science, we will begin a math and science exploration in science this week!

We will begin today by observing some viscous branching examples and having a discussion about the patterns students will see. Vocabulary word for today (viscous/viscosity).

HW - Learn that viscosity is the resistance a liquid has to change its shape. For example, in our predicting lava flows lab, the molasses represented high silica lava, both high viscosity or viscous liquids. The cornstarch and water mixture represented low silica lava (like pahoehoe) which is a low viscosity liquid.

Friday - Today we will look at randomness. Students will conduct a lab on coin flipping to graph the results and compare their graphs. (What did we find out? The more trials we did the more our graphs displayed a bell shaped curve, revealing that heads will come almost 50% of the time every time!)

HW - None


8th Grade Computers 2

Plan for this week:
Mon: Students should be working on their final project websites this week. They need to remember that part of their grade is based on the fact that they are working in class and participating with their group and not socializing.

Email me if you have any questions or concerns.


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