" Macapá the capital of the way it world "


Macapá the capital of the Amapá is located the 345 km of Belém of Pará. The name is of origin tupi, with a variation of macapaba, that it wants to say place of many bacabas, a fruit of native palm of the region. Before calling Macapá, the first name given officially to this land was Adelantado de Nueva Andalusia, in 1544, for Carlos V, then king of Spain, in a concession the Francisco Spanish navigating Orellana who was for here.

The access fastest the city is through airplane, with the time of 40 minutes of flight. To another option it is to arrive of ship, are 24 hours of trip. Highways binding Macapá to other Brazilian states do not exist. Arriving the Macapá you go to find an environment without pollution, a city of small transport, a acolhedora population, and a rich proportionate natural landscape for the river Amazon, the greater of the world, and still an increasing commerce. The history of Macapá starts in the colonial times, and is related with the defense and the blockhouse of the borders of Brazil, beyond the concern in guaranteeing the presence of the man the Brazilian lands. E thus this city if originated from a military detachment bred in 1738. In the Square Cabral Fertile valley, in day 4 of February of 1758 when it still called itself Square They are Sebastião accurately happened in this square the survey of the pillory and the governor of the Pará Grain, Francisco Xavier de Stolen Mendonça, established in that day the Village of Is Jose de Macapá. At this time they had been appearing building that until today are preserved, and constitute true cultural patrimony as:

$fortaleza of a construction made in the enslaved times with hand of workmanship of blacks and indians Are Jose de Macapá. In day 2 of January of 1764 the delineation of the ground started and in day 29 of June of the same year the basic rock of the monument was launchn. The construction lasted 18 years, but this delay was not for the size of the workmanship and yes for the problems that had appeared with the lack of workmanship hand and the scarcity of material that of time in when it made to stop everything. The indians were pursued by the illnesses and oppressed for the severity of he military regulations, and this age the great reason of escape of the device. The black ones when they ran away did not go far were left to arrest easily. The death of D. José I, made with that the workmanship stopped 6 years almost. The author of the design Enrique Galúcio, after faleceu 5 years the beginning of the workmanships.


The Intendancy of Macapá, nowadays, is the historical museum Joaquin Caetano Da Silva. The date of inauguration of this building is of 15 of November of 1895. The intendant was Coriolano Jucá. The Building was used since the period of Village until the extinct Federal Territory of the Amapá, and the same palace in the neoclássico style was constructed to type, ornado with sculptures and antropomorfas figures that represent the arts and the industry. The stacks louvres and vases had been confectioned in the art of falanza in Portugal in 1932. Major Magalhães Barata was restored to function the city hall of Macapá having as interventor of the state of Pará and as mayor also major Eliezer Levi.


The Building had two divisions - of a side the City hall of Macapá and the other the Division of Public Workmanships. The time was passing and had come more reforms the characteristic original architectural had been if losing. There already he functioned the Palace of the Government, Secretariat of Security, General Office of the attorney general of the Government and today Joaquin Caetano is the Historical Museum Da Silva. The Church of Is Jose de Macapá also is a historical landmark. This church started to be constructed in 1752, six years before the official creation the Village Is Jose de Macapá.

The first church was inaugurated 5 of March of 1761 being the Priest Joaquin Pair 1º vicar, the original picture of the padroeiro Is Jose, sculptured in wood has 35 cm of height, remains as one of the more important relics sacras of the state. In the walls the pictures of the Fúlvio priest, portray the talent and the beauty of a Biblical pass artistic. Already it had a period where the parish was without vicar during 40 years. In 1904 the priest Francisco Hiller and the intendant Teodoro colonel Mendes had been the responsible ones for the reset of the church. The first school in masonry of Macapá was inaugurated in 13 of September of 1946, that Degree is the School of 1º Baron of the Rio Branco, created for the government of the Federal Territory of the Amapá in the management of captain Janarv Nunes. In this school also cinema of Macapá, Former cine functioned 1º Territorial. The machines had stopped and everything this in the fullest abandonment. Other building as the central market, the hospital of specialties and the maternity Mother Luzia also are part of old constructions of the decades of 40, 50 and 60.

The Trapiche Eliezer Levi for much time was the point of arrived and output of the city. It inspired poets as Alcir Araújo that was called poet of the wharf. Before trapiche the boats they arrived in port in the call Rock of the Derrick, where today the picture is placed of Is Jose, the name of trapiche is a homage to then mayor Eliezer Levi that received features from the interventor from Pará, Magalhães Barata for that construction. In the last one it remodels trapiche received a structure from concrete, where it goes to function a restaurant and to have bondinho to carry the frequentadores. The boats go to arrive in port in another place. The Trapiche Eliezer Levi with 472 meters of size is one of the tourist attractions of the city.

Macapá is the only Brazilian city that is á left margin of the river Amazon, and that it is cut by the string of the Equator. With altitude of 15 meters in relation to the level of the sea and latitude zero, I possessed a 24,750 area of km2. The climate is equatorial, hot and humid. After 45 years of Federal Territory with financial sustentation of the Union the growth of this city was sped up with the hashing of the territory for state in 1988.

Everything was moving quickly and the small city was gaining and status of state capital expensive. Building with more modern architecture had been appearing as the Theater of the Bacabeiras, Court of Accounts of the State, State legislature, Court of Justice, Electoral Regional Court, State Secretariats, quickly constructed Shopping Center and other building. They had come new companies, banks, and the population number was going up steps with great speed.




Who comes to the Macapá does not leave to enjoy of that it has better of in the city in terms of iguarias and tourist points. The edge these full of small bars and restaurants; where the frequentadores like to see the landscape of the biggest river of the planet; the river Amazon. This exactly river that provides two beaches; one is in the urban region that is of the Araxá and to another one it is some kilometers downtown and it is called beach Fazendinha. In these health-resorts it is possible to find the shrimp pink or to delight flavorful tucunaré in the live coal. During the July month the Macapá happens Summer, programming developed for the government of the state and city hall, a mixture of rhythms, pretty people, sun and much joy.

In this period a programming is developed with regional singers and much leisure in some points of the city.

Macapá is the only capital in Brazil, cut for the imaginary string of the Equator. In the Estádio Zerão, a particularitity: in a soccer game the players change of hemisphere the time all, the string of the way it field also divide the world.

In the monument Landmark Zero of the Equator, you also he can make this, of a side the Hemisphere North, the other the South Hemisphere Never was so easy to move of hemisphere in Brazil.

Here it is an excellent place to see the phenomenon of the Equinox, the pass of the sun on the string of the Equator. This happens in days 21 of March and 23 of seterrrbro, when the nights and the days last accurately 12 hours in any place of the planet. The Equinox marks the beginning of different stations in the two hemispheres of the planet. In the South it is spring and in the other side to the North it starts the autumn.

In February it has carnival and it is the hour of sambódromo that also it is school and it possesss 20 classrooms with total capacity for 1200 pupils. Macapá is 4ª Brazilian city to possess a place for the carnival. The schools of samba of lº and 2º group make the party in 2 days, and in 3º it is the day of the street tablets. Personalities of the world of the carnival are always lush.

 In the way of the nia Amaz ô with as many vegetal wealth, the government it Amapá finished creating the museum of medicinal plants Valdomiro Gomes, who today changed into the museum of the development sustent á vel. The museum shows the works of research carried through for the IEPA - Institute of Cient Research í you are and gicas Tecnoló, come back to the objectives from the development program sustent á vel from the Government from the State from the Amap á. Located the 12 km of Macap á, the Village of the Curia ú is another marcante point of the city. Formed for blacks that ran away from maltreatment during constru ç ã from $fortaleza de São Jose is, they went opening path route north of the city and quilombo of yesterday was changed into the village of today. The locality still keeps to v á rivers aspects of its ancestor.

Stico style r ú of constru ç ã of the housings and presen ç of the black color of its inhabitants, who allows house it of strangers in the place. Sobreviv ê ncia still is based on the ncia culture of subsist ê; plant ç ã of cassava, feij ã, creates ç ã of animals as su í in and birds for feed ç ã the A popula ç ã if ã of saints of the lica church matches in the scallop shell ç cat ó, festejados with rich manifest ç õ es folcl ó as dan ç of marabaixo and the row. In per í odo between dries and rain the lakes are flat and the inhabitants use to advantage to fish with more intensity. The misticismo and tradi ç õ es s ã the sticas forts to caracter í of the Village of the Curia ú. Voca ç ã the greater of Macap á is with is rcio. With ã privileged in rela locates ç ç ã its posi ç ã geogr á is, has great commercial possibilities of rela ç õ es with the Am is rich Trunk, Am is rich of the North and the Europe. ã of the Zone of Free creates it ç With is rcio of Macap á, it happened in December of 1991 and this made possible the aperture of v á laughs chances and perspectives of neg ó ruttings for the economy of the state. These chances est ã related with diverse micos sectors econ ô, as: indústria, with is rcio, servile ç and the tourism. Est ã happening the investments of other Brazilian states and foreign capital and still exists a great market of work to be explored. But not í cia of creates ç ã of this á rea advertising brought some problems for Macap á. It is the case of the population growth. Natural features and tur í sticos singulars can make of Macap á, port ã the league north ç ã of Brazil with the remaining portion of the world. With ã of á rea of free implants with is rcio the import activity started to be part of them operates ç õ es commercial of the empresariado one, and with ç for the one is rcio conventional was yielding espa with rcio of is imported. The main store be situated in street C â ndido Mendes and in its adjac ê ncias other store tamb is m est ã if installing. Vel offers of imported j á presents to consider á varies

Macapá possesss a hotel network with diverse lodging, restaurants for pious varied gostos card á of foods t í you pick, and at is international plates. Benef í fiscal ruttings defined by law, assures the input of merchandises in á rea of free with is rcio, with suspens ã in the tax of imports ç ã and the tax on industrialized products. Abrang ê ncia of á rea of free with is rcio reaches part of munic í pious of Macap á and Santana. In one á rea of 220 km2 the places of dumps and desembara ç of merchandises of foreign origin, of the Zona Franca of reas Manaus and others á of free with is rcio, s ã the o port of Santana, the international airport of Macap á and the privative port of the ICOMI. In each place one alf â ndega fiscalizes the luggage of reas passengers leaving á free with is rcio. As for foreign products to be á desembara ç ada, with isen ç ã of tributes and 2 the global value of at is a thousand d ó homes for couple. The front of the city gained new aspect with constru ç ã of the complex Side River S ã the kiosks with sica m ú to the living creature, presented for regional singers, who sing the best one of the MPB, al is m of palanque for shows to the s margins of the river Amazon. In the Side River, voc ê goes to find one card á pious varied well, with v á rivers types of drinks. L á the friends and fam í read if they find and the colloquy rolls untied at is high hour. Macap á is before all joy, tranquilidade and very work for who wants to progress and to contribute with the development of the city. A city in the way it world generating progress for Brazil and waiting for its visit.