Web Site Guidelines

As a group, you will need to:
    ïCreate an opening page for your site.
        -You may want to include a photo/drawing, a title, a team statement, links to other pages in your site.
    ïCreate a Culture Comparison page.
        -How would you compare and contrast the culture of your country with the one you studied?
    ïCreate a Team Member page.
        -Introduce each person on the team (include first names only).
        -How did each of you become sailors?  How did you end up on the ship that landed at the uncharted coastline? How did you become interested in your specialty?
        -Draw (or manipulate a photo) what you would look like dressed in a traditional outfit of the civilization you visited.

Individually, you will need to:
    ïCreate a page to share all your findings.
        -Include photos you took, artifacts you collected, and all your resources.
    ïCreate a different section or page for each area of the civilization you studied.

Don't forget:
    ïInclude answers to the following questions:
        -How are the myths/folk tales of a civilization related to how the civilization runs itself?
        -What are the scientific/technological/artistic advances evident in these ancient civilizations?
        -What are the mathematical/scientific calculations behind the civilization's calendar?
        -How did the geography affect the farming, agriculture, hunting, and trade practices of the civilization?
        -How do religious beliefs and common cultural practices compare and contrast to modern day?
        -What are the common ways that a civilization manages the behavior of its people?
    ïConsider how your impression of your civilization will be represented and interpreted by your audience.
    ïREMEMBER YOUR AUDIENCE!  You will be telling them about something new and fantastic.

See the Sample Web Site for more help.