Chimacum Eagle

Advanced Technology -
Mr. González

Advanced Technology                                                             Mr. González

Advanced Technology Syllabus

Week one:

      Day 1 -
           Intro to class, pass out syllabus
           Basics of WWW and Internet
      Day 2 -
           Finish Basics of WWW and Internet.
           Email privileges and expectations.
           Open email account and try it out.
      Day 3 -
           Check your email.
           Internet and WWW vocabulary.
           Take first online, open-book quiz.

Week two:

      Day 1 -
           Finish vocabulary study and quiz.
           Work on Evaluation Assignment.
      Day 2 -
           Finish working on Evaluation Assignment.
           Work on Copyright Assignment.
      Day 3 -
           Finish Copyright Assignment.
           Class discussion on the value of evaluation on the WWW and the importance of copyright.
      Day 4 -
           Search techniques and practice.

Week three:

      Day 1 -
           Using Netscape & SimpleText to create web pages.
           Learn first set of tags and practice them.
      Day 2 -
           More tags and practice tags already learned.
      Day 3 -
           Images and graphics programs.
           More tags and practice tags already learned.
           Use graphic converter to make some images for use with your web pages.
           For this we will need to take a look at the project and pick some topics.
      Day 4 -
           Begin first project (approximately 17 days to complete).
           More tags and practice tags already learned.
      Day 5 -
           Thumbnails and other graphics tips.
           Body tag attributes.
           More tags and practice tags already learned.

Week four:

           Go through the online Computer Basics course for the first 20 minutes of class and spend the last 30 minutes of class working on first project all week.

Week five:

      Day 1 -
           Sound on your web page.
           Keep working on project.
           More tags and practice tags already learned.
      Rest of the week -
           Keep working on project.

Week six:

      Keep working on first project.
      First project due by Friday on disk
with handout.

Week seven:

      Sign up for a GeoCities space (or any other preferred free home page provider) and begin uploading files.
      Edit, fix, and keep working on personal home page. Sometime this week - Quiz 2.

Week eight:

Continue working on personal home page.
Those interested in extra credit view the Chimacum Middle School HomePage and come up with ideas to add to it, or tell Mr. González about changes that need to be made to it.
Week nine:
Continue working on home page (add/learn things not covered in class, ie. frames, more JavaScript, etc.).
Continue working on Chimacum Middle School page (for those interested).
This week email Mr. González your URL for your final grade. You can keep working on your web page all next week as well but turn in something this week.
Week ten:
Finish up home page, fixing, editing, improving.
This is the home stretch!

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Copyright © 1997 Mr. González.
This Home Page was created by Al González.