Monday - Today
students will read a selection of scientist's ideas on isostasy,
density and gravity. We began to practice calculating the
density of an iceberg when the density of salt water is not
quite 1.0 g/ml.
HW - Students can still turn
in any of their three quizzes, corrected, for a better grade.
I'm also available everyday at lunch for extra help or just
if they want to come in and help.
Also, since we're halfway
through our school year it's time that we switch notebooks.
If your child did not turn in her or his second notebook
at the beginning of the year, please buy a new one for science.
The composition notebooks have been working very well.
Tuesday - We
finished calculating the density of an iceberg using the
isostasy information we learned.
Then students shared ideas
as to what happens when the top of an iceberg melts.
HW - Same as Monday
Wednesday - Teams
are going to share their answers from yesterday's iceberg
melting question.
We then took what students
learned to discuss a theory of what happens to continental
crust as mountains and shorelines get weathered down (the
isostasy theory).
HW - Same
as Monday
Thursday - Today
we will start the Earth Movement project. We will begin with the initial
HW - Same
as Monday
Friday - Today
we will continue working on our Earth
Movement project.
Today students used a map
of the earth to see if they can draw the tectonic plate boundaries.
Then each team shared some of their boundaries on a whiteboard
and reasons why they thought the boundaries were where they
placed them.
HW - Same as Monday and take
your progress report home and show your parents. Bring it
on Monday
and get five extra credit points.