Monday - Teams
are continuing to present their PowerPoints about their job/topic.
This is their chance to teach their classmates what they have learned.
HW - Take home and get the
Youth Summit permission
slip signed.
Tuesday - Today
we will have our Trading Post during 1st and 2nd periods. My
4th period class will continue presenting their PowerPoints.
HW - Same
as Monday
Wednesday - Teams
are continuing to present their PowerPoints about their job/topic.
This is their chance to teach their classmates what they have
HW - Same
as Monday
Thursday - Teams
are continuing to present their PowerPoints about their job/topic.
This is their chance to teach their classmates what they have
HW - Same as Monday
Friday - Once
teams are done presenting we will look at websites from years
past so that teams can start storyboarding their website ideas.
HW - Same as Monday