Monday - Teams
will be working on finishing phase 1 of our water
quality project (working completing their job
specialty notes using the Cornell
Note-Taking Method).
Some teams are starting phase
2; they will begin reading through their notes and writing their
rough draft webpages.
This is what teams will be
doing this week. Tuesday Mr. Olafson's class will be taking their
Hood Canal field trip to test the
water quality. Wednesday Mr. Meacham's class will take their field
trip and Thursday Ms. Langston's class will take their field trip.
Teams are continuing to work
on Friday with my sub.
HW - Students need their permission
slips turned in by Monday if they have not turned it in already.
Students will also need a sack lunch and snacks for the day as
we will be gone from 8am to 2pm. Parents are welcome to join us.