Monday - Today I took students through a stroll down memory lane. I shared a slideshow of 404 pictures from 6th and 7th grade (a few were from earlier this year).
HW -
Show your parents your progress report. (Remember, get it signed and get 2 extra credit points just like always.)
Tuesday - Today students will continue to work on their Ch 8, Erosion and Deposition study guides.
HW -
None, unless you are missing any work.
Wednesday - Students are still working on their Ch 8, Erosion and Deposition study guides.
HW - None
Thursday - Today I sent home with students a permission slip so that we can burn all their 6th, 7th, 8th grade and Odyssey pictures onto a DVD and sell it to current 8th graders. If you are all right with your child's picture being on that DVD then you don't need to do anything.
Today students finished their Ch 8 study guide and we began to correct it in class.
HW - Here's a copy of the permission slip sent home.
Friday - Today we will finish correcting the Ch 8 study guides. Then we will complete a beach sand probing question.
HW - None