Monday - I will have a sub today. Students will start to work on Ch 17 on weather. They will be reading each section and answer the section review questions. They can write the question, in which case their responses can be phrases, or they can choose to write full and complete sentence answers so they won't need to write the questions.
HW -
None if you're all caught up.
Tuesday - Today I will go over answers from Ch 17 section 1, p. 566.
HW - Visit my online progress reports since I've updated grades (including the biome podcasts).
Wednesday - Today we discussed what a good conclusion needs as students brainstormed ideas. Then students began writing the conclusions to their vinegar and baking soda labs.
HW -
None if you're all caught up. Those who didn't get to complete all five questions from Ch 17, section 1, pg 566 need to come in after school soon to make that up.
Thursday - Today students will finish writing their conclusions (they also have to rewrite them so that I can have another copy to share with my Science team).
For those of you who didn't finish your lab in class here are copies of the write-up I wrote during class showing students how it's done:
Per 2
Per 4
HW -
None if you're all caught up. If your lab got a low score or is incomplete you need to finish that for homework.
Friday - Today students will score each other's lab write-ups. Then they'll start their blogging assignment about the lab.
HW - If you didn't get a chance to blog about the vinegar and baking soda lab in class then do it for homework.