Monday - Turn in your Case of the Mysterious Macros notes (or make sure your notebook is in the correct cubby). Then students will assess their work on the macro notes and the data collecting they did at the creek (students will use this sheet).
Research continued as students use this sheet as a graphic organizer to record their research. They will use these websites to conduct their research.
HW - None, unless your Macro notes aren't done.
Tuesday - Today I will give all 6th graders a progress report in paper form. The online progress reports are also updated and they get updated more frequently than the paper copies.
This week students will continue their water quality research using this sheet as a graphic organizer to record their research. They will use these websites to conduct their research.
HW - Show your parents your progress report. Catch up as needed. Turn it in signed tomorrow for an extra two points.
Wednesday - Water Quality Research Continued.
HW - Same as Tuesday.
Thursday -Water Quality Research Continued.
HW -
Same as Tuesday.
Friday - Water Quality Research Continued. After consulting with student teams we are ready to start moving on next week. By Monday students should be either done or mostly done with their research. If teams aren't done they can finish their research at home or they can finish their research while working on the next two phases of this project coming up next week.
HW - Same as Tuesday. If you are far behind on your research notes work on those this weekend.