Monday - Today students will finish evaluating the websites 6th graders have made for this project in the past. The goal is to discover what makes a website or wiki "good."
They have been using the evalmid.pdf to evaluate the wikis and former 6th grade websites and today they will finish questions 7 - 10 from the following questionnaire sheet.
Then students will create a rubric to score their own wikis!
HW - None
Tuesday - Today each class used the info they collected by evaluating the other websites and wikis to create their own rubric. Click here to see what each class came up with (it's a Word document file).
HW - None
Wednesday - Today I handed out copies of the rubric to every student so that each student can keep track of his or her work on this wiki culminating project. Then I showed them all how to start creating their wiki.
HW - None
Thursday - Today students will be working on their wikis.
HW - None
Friday - Today's agenda is the same as yesterday as students continue putting their wikis together. By today all groups should have the class pictures from this project to add to their wiki pages.
HW - None