Question, All-Write -
Instead of calling on a few students to answer questions orally,
all students write answers in their journals. Then teacher will call
on volunteers to share their answers.
Sharing Pairs -
Students pair up to share ideas and thoughts about a topic. This
can follow the Question, All-Write strategy.
Whip Around, Pass Option -
Students take turn responding to a question, or if any prefer, can
say, "I pass."
Student writes down what s/he Knows about
the topic, what s/he Wants
to know about the topic, and then what s/he
actually Learned about the
Choral Work -
Students answer a question in unison.
Voting -
Ask questions that all students can respond to by raising a hand.
Make a Prediction -
Students make a prediction in their journals about a topic about
to be covered in class.
Write a Summary -
Students summarize in their journals something just covered in class.
Brainstorm Ideas -
Students speak open-mindedly about a topic without worrying if their
ideas are reasonable or not.
Hand Raise Signal -
To signal that group work is to stop, teacher will raise one hand.
As students see the teacher or others raise hands, they begin to
raise their hand and cease working and talking to listen to the teacher.
Outcome sentences -
Last ten to fifteen minutes of each class, students will respond
to the following sentence starters:
Today I learned ...
I am feeling ...
I can improve by ...