Before reading the chapter - SCAN:
S - Survey
the headings and turn them into questions (the
questions will be answered during the reading - questioning is the
best way to get the most out of reading non-fiction books).
C - Capture
the captions and visuals (read captions and
look at the pictures to try and understand what they mean).
A - Attack
boldface words (reading boldface words help
students understand the vocabulary, which will make the reading more
meaningful. Too many students keep reading even though they don't
understand the vocabulary, so
we will begin each section by reviewing the keywords which will be
encountered there).
N - Note
and read the chapter questions (read the end
of chapter questions first helps focus the reader. This is a great
test-taking strategy too!)
While reading the chapter, the students will use the RUN strategy.
R - Read
and adjust speed (read slower through difficult
U - Use
word identification skills such as sounding
it out, looking for other word clues in the sentence, or breaking
words into parts for unknown words.
N - Notice
and check parts you don't understand (This
is where we will ask if the section clicked or clunked).