That’s what Seth Godin, author of Linchpin and other books, is asking us in his blog post is ready to read and share.
Stop Stealing Dreams is a free book Godin wrote to get discussions around education reform going. Why did he do that? Because his readers ask him, “What do you think we ought to do about education?” more than any other question. Education reform is a hot topic that everyone should be interested in because everyone has to be in school at some point in their life (and yes, I’m including homeschool as a type of schooling).
So if you haven’t read it, check it out. But more than that tell someone about it. Start and/or continue a conversation of what education should be for everyone. I appreciate Godin’s efforts at asking us what education should be like because it is the 99%, the students, parents, and teachers, who should be deciding what education should be, not the super wealthy (they can already afford any type of education they want for their kids) or the legislators (you better believe that they are choosing the type of education they want for their children).
What are your thoughts? What is school for, for you and your kids?