New Rooms On Wednesday morning, January 7, 2004, a fire suppression pipe over room 602 burst and water collected in the false ceiling. By about 6:45am the ceiling gave and water began to pour through Mr. Olafson's and Ms. Langston's ceiling. Luckily, Mr. Olafson was in his room and our maintenance department and the fire department were alerted in time to save the middle school! Even though the middle school was saved, enough water came down to flood Mr. Olafson's, Ms. Langston's and my classrooms. The very next day contractors were out here to replace the very walls and the ceilings due to water damage. Mr. Olafson's classes will be meeting in room 606, next to Mr. Meacham's room. Ms. Langston's classes will be meeting in room 908 in the Elementary and Mr. González' classes will be meeting in room 408 (his old room). Here are some pictures of the Flood of 2004: