All Go-Home Correspondence here! Click here to download any of my documents in Word. Class Introduction (My welcome letter!) Classroom Expectations (Includes rules and consequences. I also added a section on cooperative group strategies because we do just about everything in small groups.) Chimacum School District's Informed Consent Agreement (Needed to use any networked computer or the Internet in school.) Tyson's Project A+ (This letter details how we can raise money for 6th grade science.) Grading Scale (This explains how much weight I give assignments, tests, and projects. It also tells the percentage of each letter grade.) How to get a hold of me (This provides information on how to contact me.) 6th Grade Class Schedule Rotation Schedule (This is our block schedule.) Late Work Policy (Describes what I do with late work.) Afterschool Permission Letter (I'll send this home if your child needs to stay afterschool for any reason.) These are not letters I will be sending
home, but they are topics we will be covering in class: For more reading, check out my current research page. |