NASA Moon Rock Slide Show

Nice picture of the Moon.


This astronaut is jumping about a meter off the ground while saluting
the flag!

Equipment left on the moon to take readings. Seismometer in the foreground.
Little in the background is power source powered by Plutonium!

Little rock, huh? Look at the astronaut on the left.

Geologist raking for small samples to bring back to earth.

Moon samples have to be kept free from earth atmosphere becaues we don't
plan on going back.

Moon rock must be handled carefully and must never be touched by human

Meteorite craters.


A type of feldspar


The Moon's make-up over the past four billion years.

Moon craters and volcanic domes.

See the rivers? From water?

Most likely not from water, but from lava!


Moon buggy :o)

Lower center of pict shows orange rock.

The orange rock is made up of these orange minerals.

Earth Rising!
Moon Rock Samples!