Great Day 1 Activity

We always start school with students on the day after Labor Day so this year our first day with students was Tuesday, September, 6. I wanted to start with a bang on the first day so I decided to have students experiment with making slime! It was a hit!

Slime Prep Photo
Slime Prep – Borax, glue, and containers for each team.

Day 1

Students started by all following the same procedure (recipe) to make their slime. They recorded observations about their slime, what it looked like and felt like.

Mixing Glue and Borax
Mixing Glue and Borax and Water

Even when everyone followed the same recipe, they didn’t all come out with the similar slimes!

Becoming Slime
Becoming Slime
Stringy Slime
Stringy Slime
Smoother Slime
Smoother Slime

Day 2

By the second day of school each team chose something to change, a separate manipulated or independent variable than the other teams to see how each variable affects the slime.

More Glue Needed
More Glue Needed!

We also added food coloring to make the slimes look prettier. 🙂

Day 2 Slime
Day 2 Slime

Students go to have fun on the first two days of school and they got to practice some of the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) by changing one variable to see how it affected their new slime!

Extra Water
Extra Water

Here’s the document I gave students with the recipe that we all started with on Day 1 (click here to view on new tab).

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