New Music by AI

My Suno AI Library Playlists screenshot.
My Suno AI Library Playlists

I have always started class with music playing. As students walk in and get ready, while I’m taking attendance, music is playing. Before AI generated music, I played classical music, first from my CD collection and then from long YouTube Classical Music videos.

Another way we have traditionally used music in my classes is for media creation. From the old days of adding song files to PowerPoint slides to the more recent days of video creation. Finding royalty-free music used to be a chore. Then video creation tools, including YouTube, started adding elevator-style music that was, not as great as real music but, royalty-free and those songs were embedded right into the video editing tools so adding music became much easier.

Then came AI that was able to generate music. Now you can have royalty-free music that was no longer boring! I tried Suno AI and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit this year.

Suno AI started a Teacher’s Program and if you click on the link you can learn more about it and get a bunch of free credits to start creating songs for and with your students!

My Starship Equinox playlist includes all the music I’ve been generating to go with my Star Trek class gamification story theme. I also have some songs that I generated to go with our campaign game, the Lost Colony of Vega Prime. Clicking on any of the images below will take you to that playlist so that you can sample the songs I’ve been creating.

My Suno AI Starship Equinox playlist screenshot.

My two classes playlists, 6G and 6B. These songs were prompted by students. They would give ideas and the ones the majority agreed with would prompt the Suno AI to make the songs.

My Suno AI 6G class playlist screenshot.
My Suno AI 6B class playlist screenshot.

My Math music playlist. There are some catchy tunes in there and the lyrics aren’t half bad! I don’t hear students singing these lyrics to themselves yet but there’s time.

Here are some sample lyrics from one of my favorites, Ratios in Motion:

One thing we gotta know and new thing we gotta show
Ratios in motion watch the numbers grow
One to two or three to four
Equivalent ratios we’ll explore

Mixing numbers just right for the sights
Keeping balance it’s the key to delight
Double each side now it’s proportion
Equivalent ratios set in motion

[Verse 2]
Got two and four let’s double some more
Make it four and eight now open the door
To ratios that match they stay in sync
Just multiply or divide they’re linked

My Suno AI Math playlist screenshot.

My Esports music playlist. I have these songs playing while my kids are gaming in our morning club.

My Suno AI Esports playlist screenshot.

My Workshop music playlist. I will use some of these in my upcoming NCCE AI workshop.

My Suno AI Workshop Music playlist screenshot.

My Misc music playlist featuring on my Zebra on the Loose song that I generated for my Rosebud AI Zebra Escape game. Check out the Rosebud AI Education page.

My Suno AI Misc playlist screenshot.
Screenshot of my Rosebud AI Zebra Escape game.

How are you using music in your classroom?

Have you tried music generating AI, yet?

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