
In my professional development learning I’ve had the utmost pleasure to be able to work with some talented and passionate educators from the North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership (NCOSP) and also through the Olympic ESD 114 and the Olympic Math and Science Partnership (OMSP). The series they’ve taught on Assessment for Learning (AfL) have been phenomenal and have helped me improve as an educator. Here are links to some of the learnings I’ve taken away from the trainings I’ve had:

Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Sharing Learning Expectations
Formative Process
Applications of Formative Assessment
Reform Symposium Presentation on Student Blogging

I’m also going to include some links here that make an argument against high stakes, standardized testing. There are so many ways to gauge our students’ understandings and so many ways for students to share what they are learning that boiling it down to one mostly multiple choice exam per year just doesn’t make sense.

Making a Case Against High Stakes Testing
Standardized Testing
Our Race to Somewhere
Finland’s Race Leads Somewhere
Ed Reform? Okay.
In My Humble Opinion
My Own Children
My Two Cents on Standards
Alternatives to Testing
Testing or Arts
Mass Production Feedback
Getting Called Out
Change is Hard
Poverty Does Affect Achievement
Testing is Over
Another Problem with Standardized Testing
1st Semester Assessment in my Classes
Test Remediation
Sharing Learning Expectations
The Inaccuracy of Tests
Proficiency Scales vs Rubrics
Grading to Inform
Do Not Tie Test Scores to Teacher Evaluation
SBAC Triples Testing Time!
Are Standards Bad?


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