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We talk about failure being important. We also are warned to not make failure okay, in and of itself, because what we want for our children is to see that failure is part of success. The most successful people fail a lot! I know failure. I’ve failed a lot, at a lot of things. I …
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Wednesday, July 20, the WA state Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP) teacher leaders were able to attend an awesome event at the Galaxy Uptown Theater in Gig Harbor to review our first year of work, our second summer of training, and to look forward to our second year working with collaborating teachers in our schools! …
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The Common Core English Language Arts (CCSS ELA) standards were developed to provide our kids a relevant, engaging, rigorous education. At the heart of the standards are three major shifts to the way we teach our students. This year I have been fortunate enough to have one of the bloggers on our state’s CoreLaborate blog. …
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Chimacum, WA is home to a lovely lake that for a few months of the year, late spring and early summer, becomes toxic, deadly toxic! Some of my 6th graders researched our deadly lake and wrote about it. Here’s a great blog post written by one 6th grader about our deadly lake!
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This 6th grader wrote a nice piece for a water pollution Public Service Announcement (PSA) activity we did in class. Check out her blog post and see what you think!
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Here’s another of my 6th grade blog posts. This one on the topic of social media and cyberbullying. Check it out and see what this student has to say!
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Yes, I admit it, I don’t teach digital citizenship. Well, not directly anyway. I do not teach direct digital citizenship lessons, I just haven’t had the need. I’ve looked into resources such as Common Sense Media and they have some great lessons. I’ve even set them aside and planned to use them. I just never …
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Wednesday and Thursday, June 29 and 30, we got to revisit the work we started last summer with the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP) using sensors to collect temperature data with our students. Last year we used these Raspberry Pi-like computers called Odroids with a temperature sensor. They were clunky and difficult to work with …
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Last year I joined the Olympic STEM Pathways Partnership (OSPP) and got to do some great work as part of that partnership working with some great professors and Math and Science educators from all over our region. So far this summer I’ve been in Seattle (about two hours from where I live in Chimacum, depending …
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Nice article in the Kitsap Sun about the Environmental Youth Summit my 6th graders attended in early June. Pictured in the article is one of my students! 🙂 Anything written about Chimacum or Chimacum Creek is what my 6th grader’s worked on! Check it out.
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