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I am updating 3rd Tri grades as often as I can so that students can stay caught up. The end of the year is no time to ask for extensions or late work! I must say that one thing that is hurting my students’ grades in Science is not doing their homework. Every time we …
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Second Trimester grades have been updated. Check them out by clicking here!
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10-30-21 Note: My pictures somehow disappeared! I don’t know what happened. Oh well, that’s tech for you. We did have a great time rowing together on those longboats! 🙂 Here are a few pictures of the 7th grade teachers out on the water getting trained for the upcoming 7th grade Longboat outdoor education experience. This …
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Sixth graders have completed their water quality websites. See them by clicking here. Sixth graders have also started blogging so you can leave them comments by clicking here. You will also find 7th graders writing about what they’re learning in Science as well and they would also love to get comments. Now 6th graders are …
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In 6th grade Science we are almost done with our water quality websites! Monday, Feb 11, Alicia from North Olympic Salmon Coalition will join us to discuss our B-IBI results from October. Then Tuesday the 12 is the last day for kids to make any changes or updates to their websites before they are uploaded. …
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Please check my online progress reports for my Science classes. Select your child’s class, type your child’s last name, then use your Skyward Family Access password to see your child’s Science progress report. On Skyward I will only be posting midterm and final grades so the progress report will have all the details to help …
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The midterm for the second trimester is almost upon us! Tuesday, January 29, is the official midterm day. Please see my last few entries for all the details needed to ensure your child has the best grade possible for midterm. It will also help you ask better questions at the student-led conferences coming up in …
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Yes! I printed out another updated progress report so that all students can have great midterm grades in Science. I gave every class ideas on how to make up work, redo work, or do extra credit so there can be no excuses for low midterm grades. And this after asking students to make work up …
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If students are still missing assignments that have been due since the end of the first trimester I handed out progress reports today, on the last of 2007 for us, so that students can use their two-week Winter Break to get caught up and bring their grades up in Science. For 6th graders it’s the …
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Help your child get off to a great start in Science for the Second Trimester. If your child is in my 6th grade Science class, last Monday, Nov 26, was the deadline for teams to work on their Salmon Life Cycle Webquest. If students did not finish then they have homework. That webquest is their …
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