Back in 1998 my school put the first model of iMac in my classroom, the Bondi iMac pictured on the left. I rotated groups of students through the Bondi iMac as they created websites using HTML as part of the projects they were working on at the time. We’ve come a long way since the …
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Mar 08
Our World Solutions Blog Translated Into Spanish
Spanish, Cuban, was my first language, I grew up speaking Spanish. Before I started going to school I watched Sesame Street on TV and learned enough English that by the time I went to school I could communicate in English! English came much easier to me than Spanish and even though I spoke Spanish everyday …
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Mar 07
Our middle school is on Year 2 of our work with a WA STEM PD project. Here’s a video I put together to share the major highlights of our work with WA STEM: In the video I share some resources that we’ve been using for our PLC work. The WA STEM PD project was inspired …
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Mar 02
Want to Write a Guest Blog Post on Our World Solutions Blog?
If you’ve been reading my 6th grader’s blog posts on our World Solutions blog and you’re a kid with great ideas, solutions or questions about why things are the way they are, submit a blog post to our blog and we’ll publish it for you! Just fill out the following form or click here if …
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Mar 02
Implications for Text Complexity
Common Core State Standards-English Language Arts (CCSS-ELA) Shift 1: Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. In the last post I shared some of the research from a 2006 ACT study that found text complexity determines whether our students will be successful beyond high school or struggle. Students who did well with complex …
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Mar 02
6th Graders Blog About World Problems
We were working on a Science opener, just like we’ve done every single day this year. I always start each class with a cool Science opener from a book I bought years ago and took out of some cabinet after years of having forgotten about it. The opener question was to come up with differences …
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Feb 29
Meditation in School?
Is this what you were thinking? Well, maybe we can teach students to meditate in school but if meditation is too controversial then a better way to support our students is to teach MINDFULNESS! Here are some links I’ve collected with resources and videos to help your students practice mindfulness. There’s a wave of articles, …
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Apr 11
Food Miles 6th grade Blog Post
April 11, 2016
Food Miles? What is food miles, you ask? Check out this 6th grader’s summary of an awesome activity we did in class to raise student awareness of food traveling to get to your plates!