Since my last post sharing AI tools that teachers of students under 13 years of age can use with their students, I’ve found some more tools that we can use with our students! Once you’ve established a class AI policy then kids are ready to go and begin practicing. After finding out about CodeBreaker’s Byte …
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Dec 24
Sept 11, 2001 Class Book Published
After working on this class book in my Monday/Friday writing class since September 11 of this year, we finally finished it! You can snap a pic or click on the QR code below or click here to read our book online: Students researched their articles after we watched a 9/11 Memorial video to give them …
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Dec 24
AI School Policy to Provide Guidance
Here’s what I’ve been sharing: A summary of AI in Teaching and Learning from the Office of Educational Technology. Ideas on areas to consider when developing an AI policy. AI Principles to Practical Strategies: How Schools Can Apply the National AI Framework Writing school AI policies? Use these 10+ resources How to develop AI policies …
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Nov 19
Students Requesting Photos of Earth From the ISS!
The Sally Ride EarthKAM website is a great website with amazing activities incorporating space science and the International Space Station (ISS)! Sally Ride was the first American woman in space and she has left a fabulous legacy with this NASA EarthKAM project. EarthKAM, which stands for Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students, allows students …
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Nov 19
CodeBreaker’s Byte Helps with Math!
After asking Bing Chat and Wolfram Alpha for help with some pretty basic 5th and 6th grade Math problems I was disappointed with the results. I still have this feeling that I did something wrong but I can’t spot it if I did. So when I got introduced to an AI chatbot for kids, even …
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Nov 19
Great Chatbot for Kids Under 13 – CodeBreakerEdu’s Byte!
This AI Chatbot from Codebreaker Edu is really good! I learned about it after listening to Terry Kearnes talking with Jeff Utecht on a recent Shifting Schools podcast. I reached out on X (formerly known as Twitter) and Terry shared the Byte AI Chatbot that he uses with his elementary students so I ran it …
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Nov 12
AI Chatbots for Math? Not Yet
Even though I’ve been helping my students learn ethical ways to use AI in school to learn, I am finding that using AI Chatbots for Math is not yet where I would need it to be before I could recommend it to my students. Now I have not used Khanmigo, only Bing Chat and Wolfram …
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Nov 12
Kids Under 13 Using AI For Writing
In addition to teaching Math and Science to two classes of 5th and 6th graders, I also get to teach a writing course on Mondays and Fridays for 50 minutes each day. My teaching partner and I are both teaching a writing course focusing on different media. She’s focusing her course on getting students ready …
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Nov 12
AI Policy in a 5th and 6th Grade Classroom
I teach 5th and 6th grade Math and Science in an elementary school. My teaching partner and I have two classes one class with 22 6th graders and the other class with 23 students, 13 5th graders and 10 6th graders. My partner teaches both classes ELA and Social Studies while I see both classes …
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Nov 11
EdTech Tool Recommendations
It seems as though every time I found another useful EdTech tool that really engaged kids, I had to share it with teachers at my school and even all the teachers in my district. I finally decided to put a list together of the tools I am recommending for teachers and students. The list is …
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