Thanks to Allison for bringing this to my attention! 🙂
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Feb 22
Tech Vision
Our District Tech Committee, of what I am part, was tasked with developing a Tech Vision Statement to determine what our next steps with technology will be. Our school board members have been attending conferences where 1:1 iPad programs were shared and they want to know if that or something that can and should be …
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Feb 21
Best in State!
My 6th grade Verizon Innovative App Challenge team got best in state in WA for their EcoApp idea in the middle school category! This means that they get to pitch their app idea before judges, via Skype I think, for best in the nation! The middle and high school winning teams for best in the …
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Feb 16
Inspiring Our Students
One of my 8th graders showed me this thought piece she wrote (this is what she decided to call it since it made the most sense, I called it a story and she said that it wasn’t exactly a story). It was just the kind of piece that I thought would fit perfectly in this …
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Feb 13
Poverty Does Affect Achievement
While I don’t agree that standardized test scores should be used to inform more than what they inform, I do use the test scores to see what trends have been happening with my students. See, I’m not entirely opposed to using standardized test scores, just NOT to determine whether my students should advance or graduate …
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Jan 29
Getting Called Out
I was showing my classes this awesome video about the power of feedback. It’s about six minutes long and I think everyone should see it, kids of all ages. At one point in the video the educator mentions that in the expeditionary learning school kids critique each other’s work and redraft it unlike, “regular schools.” …
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Jan 29
Naturemapping Field Trip
We got an opportunity to go naturemapping so I volunteered our 8th graders since they’re all learning Life Science this year! An amazing AmeriCorps Volunteer, the one who taught my 8th graders last year about Rain Gardens, organized the whole trip for us! We were very fortunate indeed. We took over 70 kids on a …
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Jan 25
Student Survey Time
Midterm is upon us and I reminded my students of how things are different at this time in an ungraded classroom. I hear them talking about what grades they are getting in their other classes because at midterm teachers prepare progress reports for families to see how their child is doing halfway through the trimester. …
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