My 8th graders found that BP could have used hay to clean up much of the oil spill without putting any dispersants or dispersed oil in the water. We saw the following YouTube video: Here is our class’ response video where we tested their idea for ourselves:
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Oct 01
Play First, Work Later
When you bring out math manipulatives you let the kids play with them a bit so that later they can focus on the work of learning with the tool. That was my intent with our new iPads and netbooks. I have lots of ideas I want my students to try out but first I thought …
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Sep 11
Great First Week!
What a great first week of school! I am lucky enough to get to work with three classes of 6th grade Science and two classes of 8th grade Science. Thanks to Mr. Rice’s Play with a Purpose blog we did a fun activity on the first day of school with oobleck. I had to take …
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Sep 06
Welcome to Mr. González’s Class!
Can you believe that school has started! Today is our first day back to school and I’m very excited for this brand new school year. I have the great pleasure of getting to work with every 6th grader as they enter middle school for the first time. I’m also very fortunate to get to work …
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Aug 23
Office2 HD
This is another cross post I wrote for IEAR. I was reading a post from Adventures in Teaching and Learning by Mr. Keenan, Why the iPad IS for Content Creation in Education {iPads in Education, Mobile Learning, 21st Century Learning} and I splurged and bought one of the featured apps in that article, Office2 HD. …
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Aug 22
Classroom Management & Communication
[Note: I don’t use the consequences or document listed in this post anymore. I am striving to make learning for my students about information and NOT about rewards and punishments. A difficult endeavor worth doing!] I’ve been getting quite a few pointers from the Smart Classroom Management blog. If you don’t subscribe to it, do …
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Aug 20
Class Syllabi and Intro Letters
I finally have some rough drafts done after much toiling and procrastinating for days. I’ll need to read over them again and make changes but at least I’ve got something to start with. The reason I’m toiling and stressing is because there is so much I want parents and students to know. I want to …
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