Change in Grading Policy for Mr. G’s Science

Mr. G's wimped out avatar.

Monday, March 22, 2010, students were given copies of their final grades for the 2nd trimester. Students received a progress report along with a letter for parents. I drafted that letter after an earlier blog post I wrote about grades. I’ve come to the decision that grading my students is doing harm. Based on conversations …

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Mr. G’s Glog

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Worth the Watch…

An Open Letter to Educators (check it out): If you thought that was good this response is also pretty darn good!

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Read This (About Readicide!)

I came across this great publication called Reversing Readicide. It’s a must read for educators who see their students turned off to reading. It’s also a must read for parents who are noticing their children getting turned off to reading. The article lists four factors that cause readicide in our students and gives ideas to …

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Do Grades Help or Hinder Learning?

As our 2nd trimester comes to an end and I prepare final grades I’m left wondering if grades and marks like grades help or hinder learning. I began to wonder about grades and homework after reading some articles written by Alfie Kohn. After reading, Changing the Homework Default I bought Kohn’s book, The Homework Myth …

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PLN’s and PLC’s

When teachers use Twitter they form Professional Learning Networks or PLNs with hundreds and sometimes thousands of other teachers. What an incredible way to share resources and discuss current topics facing educators. A quick Google search defines a PLN as “a vibrant, ever-changing group of connections to which teachers go to both share and learn.” …

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How to Motivate Students?

Thanks to @web20classroom, @ShellTerrell, and @tomwhitby for hosting a great session this morning with Alfie Kohn, @alfiekohn (with backchanneling still going on at #kohnlive), where we got to ask questions about grades, homework, standardized testing, the state of education and reform, and teacher preparation. For those of you who are wondering what the @ symbols …

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To Block or Not to Block

My wild thing avatar.

I took this from an email message I shared with teachers. I’ve been dealing with the opposite problem in my classroom as I learn about new web 2.0 tools and can’t use them because they are blocked by our filter. Our tech guy came to my room to help me have access just in my …

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My Prezi

To view the show use the play arrow/triangle at the bottom of the Prezi. Advance from section to section at your speed until you reach the end. It’s pretty cool! Leave me a comment letting me know what you think about Prezi. Mr. G’s Classes on Prezi

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Blogging and the 21st Century

Why do I assign homework by having students blog? And what in the world is a glog? If you’ve asked yourself these questions maybe this blog post will help. I remember just a few years ago how parents and teachers started to worry when our children were using MySpace to create a presence on the …

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