Had a great day at the 2016 WA STEM Summit in Redmond, WA, at the Microsoft Conference Center! I put together my Tweets from the day along with a small assortment of the many Tweets that flowed! We started the day with an amazing breakfast and some great speakers (Tweets from the morning are at …
Tag: Education
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/11/30/wa-stem-summit-2016-wastemsummit/
Nov 04
Biggest Challenges Facing Science Teachers
I was so happy and honored to be asked by Larry Ferlazzo (check out Larry’s blog if you don’t read it already) to be a panelist on his BAM! Radio Network show, Classroom Q&A! We tackled the topic of solutions to the biggest challenges facing Science Teachers. It was so cool! I’ve embedded it above …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/11/04/biggest-challenges-facing-science-teachers/
Oct 20
How Much Change is Enough?
I’ve watched these two powerful videos, which seem to be meant to go together or at least were inspired by the same problem. The problem? Modern day schooling, which hasn’t changed enough to do right by our modern day students. It’s no secret that education, as a system, is slow to change. That even with …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/10/20/how-much-change-is-enough/
Jul 22
Failure at Personal Finances
We talk about failure being important. We also are warned to not make failure okay, in and of itself, because what we want for our children is to see that failure is part of success. The most successful people fail a lot! I know failure. I’ve failed a lot, at a lot of things. I …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/07/22/failure-at-finances/
Jul 08
The Core Shifts the Way We Teach
The Common Core English Language Arts (CCSS ELA) standards were developed to provide our kids a relevant, engaging, rigorous education. At the heart of the standards are three major shifts to the way we teach our students. This year I have been fortunate enough to have one of the bloggers on our state’s CoreLaborate blog. …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/07/08/the-core-shifts-the-way-we-teach/
May 04
PLC Work Takes Time
Our middle school’s second year participating in a WA STEM PD grant project is coming to an end. One thing I can see clearly is the time it takes to do PLC work right. Our plan has been to engage in professional development together in our teacher teams. PLC teams in schools are the best …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/05/04/plc-work-takes-time/
Mar 02
Want to Write a Guest Blog Post on Our World Solutions Blog?
If you’ve been reading my 6th grader’s blog posts on our World Solutions blog and you’re a kid with great ideas, solutions or questions about why things are the way they are, submit a blog post to our blog and we’ll publish it for you! Just fill out the following form or click here if …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2016/03/02/want-to-write-a-guest-blog-post-on-our-world-solutions-blog/
Dec 09
Working in Isolation
I’ve been meaning to write this blog post reflecting on a wonderful STEM summit I attended on Dec 1st, the WA STEM Summit 2015. I was wondering which takeaway I wanted to share the most or what I was going to write about the takeaways. And I will, but this blog post is about the …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/12/09/working-in-isolation/
May 27
Best Practices Collaborative Document
Years ago I started a best practices document. My school district’s tech committee was working on defining what we should be doing in the classroom before we helped teachers integrate technology. Using technology to do the same things that weren’t helping students won’t improve student learning. I made the document editable by all who had …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/05/27/best-practices-collaborative-document/
May 25
Final Trek Chapter!
This is the conclusion of our Star Trek part live action role play, part choose-your-own-adventure story: The QR code is clickable. I had planned to share this conclusion right after spring break but I had hoped to share it before spring break. Instead the QR codes were put up in my room now, at the …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/05/25/final-trek-chapter/