I got an email from a student asking me if she could interview me for an essay she was writing for her English 102 class about video games in the classroom. After answering her questions I asked her if I could share my responses here and she said yes. Here’s what I wrote for her …
Tag: Gbl
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/03/07/video-games-in-the-classroom/
Feb 25
Class Trek Mid Season Finale
In this mid-season finale to our ongoing Star Trek class story an incredible secret is revealed. The QR code is clickable. It has been awhile since the last part of our story, which was like a finale in itself. The place I put the QR code went pretty much unnoticed for about three weeks! I …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/02/25/class-trek-mid-season-finale/
Feb 24
1st Quarter WoW Complete #gbl
This all started as a 6th grade Exploratory class offered to all 6th graders for one quarter at a time. Students got off to a great start last quarter, the first time this class was offered to 6th grade students. As students began the class they agreed to our class charter, thought and wrote about …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/02/24/1st-quarter-wow-complete/
Feb 23
1st Quarter WoW #gbl
The above brief snippet is very representative of a typical day in the computer lab last quarter (technically the 2nd quarter of the school year but the 1st quarter for our WoWinSchools class). I had 27 sixth graders in that class, the students from my 1st period Science class. Using parts of the WoWinSchools curriculum, modified …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2015/02/23/1st-quarter-wow/
Dec 12
Away Team
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/12/12/away-team/
Dec 09
Rule Out the Klingons?
Our class ship, the USS Equinox, was dispatched to investigate the mystery of the destruction of the Bombay when they discovered another destroyed ship, the Tholian Aen’q Tholis. Unlike the Bombay, the Aen’q Tholis was destroyed by what appears to be phaser fire from another starship. Whatever destroyed the Bombay was not responsible for destroying …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/12/09/rule-out-the-klingons/
Nov 13
Literacy with WoW
After last year’s failed attempt at using World of Warcraft in Science to have students learn about classifying living things I finally get a chance to try using World of Warcraft to explore the journey of a hero! I thought the Science angle was a good idea but my 8th graders didn’t really take to …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/11/13/literacy-with-wow/
Nov 12
Following an Energy Trail
The crew of the Starship Equinox had to decide whether or not to follow the energy trail from the massive weapon that destroyed the Bombay. After a quick deliberation they recommended to the Captain that he follow the energy trail back to its source to see if they could find what can wield such power. …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/11/12/following-an-energy-trail/
Oct 21
Next Episode in the Voyages of the Starship Equinox
I am using this butcher paper poster to collect our room 410 continuing story of the Starship Equinox. I have been adding a story element to my gamified Science course and the story continues. On this poster I am storing all the QR codes that have appeared so far in our classroom in case students …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/10/21/next-episode-in-the-voyages-of-the-starship-equinox/
Jun 18
#GBL with WoW
I’ve been reflecting on my first attempt at using a commercial off the shelf (CoTS) game in class for student learning, in this case World of Warcraft (WoW). I took a risk and tried to use the power of WoW to leverage some Science learning, in this case classification of living things. There are many …
Permanent link to this article: https://educatoral.com/wordpress/2014/06/18/gbl-with-wow/