At a recent staff meeting my principal held up this furry stuffed animal and she introduced it to us as a Purrble, which I can’t for the life of me spell correctly so I keep searching Purrdle, which is not the same thing. She went on to describe it as a way to calm ourselves …
Tag: robotics
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Feb 19
Students Excited by Robotics and AI
My 5th and 6th grade STEM classes have been working on robotics using the Lego Mindstorm EV3 kits since December. Students built their first robot then took the Lego Mindstorms programming lesson tutorials before we began some activities and challenges. We still have two major challenges left in this unit before we transition to our …
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May 02
Lunar Missions and Robotics
This year, with students sitting closer together and able to work cooperatively in small teams, our robotics unit was able to happen again! Having 5th graders mixed in with our 6th graders allowed me to change up our usual robotics unit with one that focused on space science. Using NASA’s Artemis mission to go back …
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Nov 15
Great Year!
The week before school started I managed to prepare enough to get through the first week with no problem! That was quite the relief. I did have to put in some hours late into each day and over the three-day Labor Day weekend, but I’m used to doing that. Had I been able to prepare …
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Aug 16
I’ve managed to procrastinate for another two whole days! I had set aside time every day this week to get a head start on getting ready for school. Most of the day yesterday and some of the day today I spent working on a video my superintendent asked me to make for a STEM Kickoff …
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Nov 21
STEM Robotics with Faraday
The culminating lesson of the first STEM Robotics 101 unit was quite enjoyable for me and for my students. This post will show how that engineering challenge aligned to the engineering standards. The Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) for Engineering, MS-ETS1 – Engineering Design, has four performance expectations for students (read this post to see …
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Jun 27
Adopting a New Curriculum
This post was originally published at the WA CORELaborate website. May 24 our Science Subject Area Committee (SAC) presented our plans for a new Science Curriculum Adoption. This is the third adoption in which I’ve played a role in the 20 years I’ve worked at Chimacum Middle School. I played a much bigger role …
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Mar 27
My #NCCE17 Takeaways!
This is my 4th straight year of getting to attend the Northwest Council for Computer Education or NCCE’s three-day conference (although last year I was only able to attend for one day)! This year it was in Portland, OR. NCCE goes back and forth between Seattle and Portland and this year it was Portland’s turn …
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Apr 30
Robotic Ball
I just got a $300 grant from my school district’s educational support foundation, the Friends of Chimacum! I submitted a proposal to purchase a couple of Sphero Robotic App Controlled Balls! I saw a Science teacher at this year’s NCCE conference playing with one of those and he was telling me how he used them …
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