This year’s NCCE Conference starts February 26! I was fortunate enough to have two workshops accepted for this year’s conference. I had the pleasure of collaborating with Tammie Schrader again, which is always a bonus for me to get to benefit from her expertise. I do not seem to get innovative ideas on my own …
Tag: stem
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Dec 28
WEA’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Workshop Series
The Washington Education Association (WEA) is hosting an AI training for educators starting February 2024! This workshop series is open to anyone and if you are a certified teacher in WA state you will earn 15 STEM clock hours for attending all five two-hour sessions and for completing five hours of exploration of AI tools, …
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Oct 30
Seriously, Facebook, Er, Meta?!?
At the end of December 2020 I was planning to purchase four Oculus Quest 2’s for students to use in my Science class and for esports. When I finally got the four quests in the spring of 2021 I ran into an obstacle that I thought would be easy to overcome – to make school …
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Apr 30
STEM Meets Harry Potter!
I just heard of these FREE STEM video lessons from Dr. Erica Saint Clair. She has been running free online Science classes, and starting next week the online video classes have a Harry Potter theme! Sounds like so much fun! The Harry Potter series starts this Monday, May 4, as Week 8 of the Homeschool …
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Mar 02
Science or Engineering?
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) separate the Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) from the Cross Cutting Concepts (CCCs) and from the Science content known as the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs). Those three distinctions, the DCIs, CCCs, and SEPs are what the NGSS refer to as the three dimensions of Science. It is our job …
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Feb 18
Amazing Environmental Performance Tasks
The Pacific Education Institute (PEI) has an amazing website full of fantastic resources. Just mousing over the Our Work menu item displays various resources for any Science, STEM, or Elementary teacher looking for environmental ideas for their curriculum. And if you are a grant writer or considering writing grants to get materials or equipment for …
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Feb 17
Helpful STEM Tools
The STEM Teaching Tools website has some great briefs that I’ve seen at several NGSS workshops I’ve attended in the past bunch of years. I’ve even shared some in workshops I co-facilitate because they’re so cool so I thought I’d share the resource here. Clicking on the PD Modules link in the menu shows some …
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Nov 15
Great Year!
The week before school started I managed to prepare enough to get through the first week with no problem! That was quite the relief. I did have to put in some hours late into each day and over the three-day Labor Day weekend, but I’m used to doing that. Had I been able to prepare …
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Aug 16
I’ve managed to procrastinate for another two whole days! I had set aside time every day this week to get a head start on getting ready for school. Most of the day yesterday and some of the day today I spent working on a video my superintendent asked me to make for a STEM Kickoff …
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Apr 07
Engineering with Sphero and Knex
Curriculum is a great guide. I’ve taught for years with no curriculum and all that freedom is a bit much and comes at a cost. When I’m designing all the curriculum I teach it takes a lot of time, especially since I have to make sure it fits within the scope and sequence of my …
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