Monday - Labor Day - No School.
HW - Get Ready for School Tomorrow! Parents, watch this video for a cool way to keep track of all that is going on in Science.
Tuesday - Today I will give students a copy of my Class Syllabus, Standards, and Blog Permission letter (3 separate files here for 6 pages total).
Then we will do an activity where students will test whether something they see is real or fake. (This will be fun as students use their skills of observation.)
Then I will collect their notebooks to store them in my classroom.
HW - Bring back the Blog Permission Form signed and choose your new password.
Wednesday - Today we will setup our notebooks by adding a Table of Contents, a Science Drawing Guidelines sheet (I give this one out every year), and I will have students take their Lab Safety Contract home (this needs to be signed every year).
HW - Get your Lab Safety Contract signed and bring it back to class to put in your notebook.
Here's a video for setting up your notebook.
Thursday - Then we are going to learn about learning for understanding versus completing activities that don't lead to much learning. Students will complete a What is Learning survey.
HW - None, unless you haven't finished Tuesday's or Wednesday's.
Friday - Today we are going to finish our What is Learning survey discussion.
Then we will start a project on biomes!
HW - None, unless you haven't finished Tuesday's or Wednesday's.