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Chimacum Middle School
Mr. González's Classes
Daily Activities
Week 4, 9/26 to 9/30

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.)

Last updated on Thursday, Sept 29, 2011, 5:07pm

Daily Schedule
1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm

6th grade Science:

Monday - Note: I have 6th grade Science 1st, 5th, and 6th periods. The way that is working out is that I start the day's lesson with 5th and 6th period so that means 1st period will usually be one day behind. I wanted to mention that so that parents don't get upset if their 1st period child seems one day behind! Sorry for the confusion.

Today teams will finishing sharing their responses to the What is Learning survey through the whiteboarding activity we started Friday.

HW - None

Tuesday - We will add a Do's and Don'ts page to our notebooks along with a Sentence Comment Starters page (it's page 2 of the Do's and Don'ts file).

Then we will do some activities to practice commenting and responding to each other and other students using blogs and our class's social network. Students will respond to a Mt Saint Helens question in their notebooks then switch papers to leave comments.

HW - None

Wednesday - Today we will finish commenting on yesterday's question prompt then we will share some to see what good, quality comments look like.

HW - None

Thursday - Today we will begin by reading a few more comments from yesterday so that we can learn and improve our comment-writing, feeback-giving skills.

Then we will begin to blog by completing a 7 Random Facts blog assignment. Once students finish they will type up their Mt Saint Helens response to make their second blog assignment!

HW - None

Friday - Today I will give students time to finish their 7 Random Facts blog and their Mt Staint Helens blog. Then students will practice commenting on actual blogs! They will leave each other comments as well as kids in other schools with whom we have partnered.

HW - None, unless you want (see, it's optional) to finish your blogging or commenting.


8th grade Science:

Monday - Today I will give teams time to finish editing their movies to make them better. Fourth period still has movies they need to see and I plan to show 3rd period some of 4th period's movies for the biomes 3rd period didn't get to study because they didn't have ten teams.

HW - None

Tuesday - Today teams worked on editing their biome movies and getting them uploaded and put on their first blog assignment of the year.

HW - None

Wednesday - Today students will finish uploading their movies and putting them on their blogs.

Then students worked on their New 7 Random Facts blog assignment.

HW - None

Thursday - Today students will have some more time to finish their biome blog and their 7 Random Facts blog.

Then we will do some activities to practice commenting and responding to each other and other students using blogs and our class's social network. We will practice commenting by responding to a biomes question.

HW - None

Friday - Today we will add a Do's and Don'ts page to our notebooks along with a Sentence Comment Starters page (it's page 2 of the Do's and Don'ts file).

Then I will give students time to finish everything we have been doing this week because some still need more time. Those who are ready will practice using our class social network. (Parents, if you want to register to our class social networking site to see what your child is doing there please shoot me an email saying who you are and who your child is because if I get requests to join our site from names I don't recognize, and I see 130 students a day so I don't remember all your names, I will deny the request! So once you shoot me that email go ahead and register and I'll add you.)

HW - None, unless you want (see, it's optional) to finish your blogging or commenting.



Email me if you have any questions or concerns.