Monday - Note: I have 6th grade Science 1st, 5th, and 6th periods. The way that is working out is that I start the day's lesson with 5th and 6th period so that means 1st period will usually be one day behind. I wanted to mention that so that parents don't get upset if their 1st period child seems one day behind! Sorry for the confusion.
Today teams will finishing sharing their responses to the What is Learning survey through the whiteboarding activity we started Friday.
HW - None
Tuesday - We will add a Do's and Don'ts page to our notebooks along with a Sentence Comment Starters page (it's page 2 of the Do's and Don'ts file).
Then we will do some activities to practice commenting and responding to each other and other students using blogs and our class's social network. Students will respond to a Mt Saint Helens question in their notebooks then switch papers to leave comments.
HW - None
Wednesday - Today we will finish commenting on yesterday's question prompt then we will share some to see what good, quality comments look like.
HW - None
Thursday - Today we will begin by reading a few more comments from yesterday so that we can learn and improve our comment-writing, feeback-giving skills.
Then we will begin to blog by completing a 7 Random Facts blog assignment. Once students finish they will type up their Mt Saint Helens response to make their second blog assignment!
HW - None
Friday - Today I will give students time to finish their 7 Random Facts blog and their Mt Staint Helens blog. Then students will practice commenting on actual blogs! They will leave each other comments as well as kids in other schools with whom we have partnered.
HW - None, unless you want (see, it's optional) to finish your blogging or commenting.