Chimacum Middle School Eagles!

Science Curriculum
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Chimacum Middle School
Mr. González's Classes
Daily Activities
Week 1, 12/5 to 12/9

(This may change from day to day depending on how much we actually get done in class so check back often to make sure something wasn't changed at the last minute.)

Last updated on Thursday, Dec 8, 2011, 7:14am

Grades will be posted on Skyward by the end of this week. Visit the online progress reports for more information (email me if you don't have the right password).

Daily Schedule
1st per - 7:45am to 8:37am
2nd per - 8:41am to 9:33am
3rd per - 9:37am to 10:29am
Eagle Time - 10:33am to 11:00am
Lunch - 11:00am to 11:32am
4th per - 11:36am to 12:28pm
5th per - 12:32pm to 1:24pm
6th per - 1:28pm to 2:20pm

6th grade Science:

Monday - If you want to check if your child finished his or her water cycle activity check your child's blog and see if there is an entry for water cycle. If you would like to see a copy of your child's project reflection survey, just email me. Everyone should be working on the Salmon Life Cycle Webquest while I work on training teams on their water quality jobs this week. Today I will be training the nitrates kids.

Students are also checking the class social network so that they could respond to all the questions their classmates have put up as well as put up questions of their own.

HW - If your child wants anything other than a Pass on Skyward, he or she needs to fill out the final grade negotiation sheet. This sheet is due no later than Wednesday this week.

Tuesday - Same as yesterday. Today I will be training the ammonia kids.

HW - None

Wednesday - Same as Monday. Today I will be training the temperature kids.

HW - None

Thursday - Today we will visit the creek so that all teams can practice their jobs on the actual creek to collect our first set of data!

Parents, feel free to join us today!

HW - None

Friday - Today we will visit the creek again to collect our second set of data.

Parents feel free to join us today as well. We will also be going down to the creek next week so you can join us any day we go down.

HW - None


8th grade Science:

Monday - Today students responded to an assessment probe regarding elodea and paramecium cells. They then whiteboarded their responses to share with their classmates.

We will continue the discussion on our class social network.

HW - If your child wants anything other than a Pass on Skyward, he or she needs to fill out the final grade negotiation sheet. This sheet is due no later than Wednesday this week.

Tuesday - Today we are going to be looking at amoeba. Students will be taking pictures and filming what they see under the microscopes to put on their microorganisms blogs.

HW - None

Wednesday - Today we will be looking at euglena and other assorted flagellates for pictures and filming what they see under the microscopes to put on their microorganisms blogs.

HW - None

Thursday - Today students be checking out some iPad apps on cells to learn more about cells. I also have a great website for them.

HW - None

Friday - Today students will be handed back an assessment probe they took on cells to see if they have changed their minds about their ideas of cells. Students will add to their previous responses as well as be working on finishing anything they didn't get done earlier this week with regards to uploading movies and/or pictures of their microorganisms for their microorganisms blogs.

HW - None



Email me if you have any questions or concerns.