Monday - Today students will be looking at their miniponds (actually creek water) to search for evidence of living things. We will be using the compound microscopes today.
HW - None
Tuesday - Today I will have a sub so that I may work with the middle and high school Science teachers.
Students will continue working on their microorganisms activity.
HW - None
Wednesday - Today we are going to go over the questions from the minipond safari. Students will either finish their microorganisms activity and/or continue exploring the world of cells through the iPad apps or other websites.
HW - None
Thursday - Students are still working on the microorganisms activity and their exploration of cells.
HW - None
Friday - Today is an early release day.
Students will continue their work they've been doing all week. Class periods are just a little over 20 minutes so hopefully their work today is mostly finishing up so they don't feel the need to finish over winter break.
HW - None, have a great Winter Break.