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I’ve been procrastinating on getting ready for school. Now that school is a few weeks away from starting I decided to start getting ready. Well, I tried but I haven’t been able to start anything. There are so many things floating around in my head that I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START! I can’t remember …
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For my gamification workshops I created a Rezzly course, Gamification 101, to have teachers learn about the more popular gaming elements or game mechanics often used when gamifying a course. By learning about gamification taking a course using a gamification learning management system (LMS) made sense. That way teachers can experience the gaming elements while …
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I just read this article on Mindshift, Will New Standards Improve Elementary Science Education, and it made me think of something we teachers talk about often, the natural curiosity that kids come to school with when they first enter school. Something about the way traditional schooling is done to children strips that natural curiosity. In …
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Yesterday I wrote a post about partnerships especially as they apply to projects teachers are creating for their students. Having a local partner, such as the North Olympic Salmon Coalition (NOSC), work with my classes has helped make my Environmental Stewardship Project better than I could have made it alone, and has made the project …
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When I first started working at Chimacum Middle School I noticed that Chimacum Creek ran right by the main campus. As a matter of fact, there was an old fish hatchery that hadn’t been used in years on school property. Turns out it had been used by high school students years before I started working …
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If you subscribe to Dan Pink’s email updates, his From the Desk on Daniel Pink, then you came across this Jeff Bezos memo that Dan shared on May 15. (Jeff Bezos is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon in case you didn’t know.) I agreed with Dan that Jeff’s memo was totally worth reading. …
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Updated on 8-1-19. There are a lot of amazing teachers out there leading the way in Game-Based-Learning (GBL) and Gamification. I’m sharing some of the ones whose blogs I read regularly and follow using Feedly. I list them here in no particular order and recommend anyone who is interested in learning more about GBL or …
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Curriculum is a great guide. I’ve taught for years with no curriculum and all that freedom is a bit much and comes at a cost. When I’m designing all the curriculum I teach it takes a lot of time, especially since I have to make sure it fits within the scope and sequence of my …
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Sometimes I think Math teachers are lucky. While they have students who don’t understand certain concepts at least the students and their families don’t question or doubt or just plain not believe mathematical concepts. I guess the same is true for tech and engineering. But for the S in STEM, Science, we have to deal …
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When I first heard that Storify was stopping its services I too was wondering what I would replace it with, and I only had 13 stories saved on Storify! I can’t imagine all the folks who had dozens or more stories saved. My concern was mostly for the blog posts I had written and embedded …
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