Not real war, this post has the next chapters of our ongoing missions aboard the class Starship Equinox. 🙂 After the mid-season finale, last post in this series, we were left with the mystery of destruction of the Tholian ship, the Aen’q Tholis. Unlike the Bombay and the Endeavour and the Equinox, the Aen’q Tholis …
Category: Gamification
Gamification includes using elements of board games, video games, and social games in the classroom to motivate and engage students in learning.
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Apr 08
My #GBL & #Gamification #NCCE2015 Notes
I took my Twitter Wakelet notes from NCCE 2015 and put together all the notes from the gamification and game-based learning sessions I attended. – Kids who dropout in HS actually became disengaged in middle school! (It’s our job to stop that from happening so the question becomes, how do we keep our middle school …
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Mar 26
Game-Based Learning #gbl
The above video shows an example of how my 6th graders are playing World of Warcraft during the WoWinSchools course I am teaching this year. Slowly, especially in light of much research being done on the subject, people are starting to see that video games are not bad. They do not make kids violent and …
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Mar 25
WoW Dancing #gbl
Once in a while we take a break from questing in World of Warcraft, from questing in 3D GameLab, and from practicing our keyboarding skills and we just meet up in a big, virtual city to get together and dance. 🙂 These are some of my 1st WoWinSchools class 6th graders meeting up in Stormwind …
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Mar 07
Video Games in the Classroom #gbl
I got an email from a student asking me if she could interview me for an essay she was writing for her English 102 class about video games in the classroom. After answering her questions I asked her if I could share my responses here and she said yes. Here’s what I wrote for her …
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Feb 25
Class Trek Mid Season Finale
In this mid-season finale to our ongoing Star Trek class story an incredible secret is revealed. The QR code is clickable. It has been awhile since the last part of our story, which was like a finale in itself. The place I put the QR code went pretty much unnoticed for about three weeks! I …
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Feb 24
1st Quarter WoW Complete #gbl
This all started as a 6th grade Exploratory class offered to all 6th graders for one quarter at a time. Students got off to a great start last quarter, the first time this class was offered to 6th grade students. As students began the class they agreed to our class charter, thought and wrote about …
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Feb 23
1st Quarter WoW #gbl
The above brief snippet is very representative of a typical day in the computer lab last quarter (technically the 2nd quarter of the school year but the 1st quarter for our WoWinSchools class). I had 27 sixth graders in that class, the students from my 1st period Science class. Using parts of the WoWinSchools curriculum, modified …
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Dec 12
Away Team
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Dec 09
Rule Out the Klingons?
Our class ship, the USS Equinox, was dispatched to investigate the mystery of the destruction of the Bombay when they discovered another destroyed ship, the Tholian Aen’q Tholis. Unlike the Bombay, the Aen’q Tholis was destroyed by what appears to be phaser fire from another starship. Whatever destroyed the Bombay was not responsible for destroying …
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