Category: Gamification

Gamification includes using elements of board games, video games, and social games in the classroom to motivate and engage students in learning.

Gamification Grading – XP

Lucidchart Mind Map of part of my course.

I have always said and I continue to share that if you are going to start gamifying your courses and want to take one small step, start with XP. The way experience points, or XP, work in gaming makes for a decent way to grade our students. Here’s the main difference between traditional grading and …

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Gamification Elements

For my gamification workshops I created a Rezzly course, Gamification 101, to have teachers learn about the more popular gaming elements or game mechanics often used when gamifying a course. By learning about gamification taking a course using a gamification learning management system (LMS) made sense. That way teachers can experience the gaming elements while …

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GBL and Gamification People to Follow

Updated on 8-1-19. There are a lot of amazing teachers out there leading the way in Game-Based-Learning (GBL) and Gamification. I’m sharing some of the ones whose blogs I read regularly and follow using Feedly. I list them here in no particular order and recommend anyone who is interested in learning more about GBL or …

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100% Total Engagement

I’ve been looking for ways to engage ALL my students. It’s been quite a hunt with limited success at best. I’ve learned that you can engage all of your students some of the time or some of your students all of the time (pretty much) but the 100% total engagement has been elusive. And I …

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Playing the Game of School

This post was originally published on the CORELaborate blog! I have heard it before and I agree, school can be considered a game. Think about it. Those kids who do the best have the game all figured out. You show up, do what the teachers tell you to do, be quiet, pretend to listen (or …

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World of Warcraft Interview!

Thanks for Kae Novak, a true games master, I was interviewed by Classcraft about how I use Lucas Gillispie’s World of Warcraft in Schools curriculum with my 6th graders! While I gamify my Science classes, the class I teach where 6th graders play World of Warcraft is an example of Game-Based Learning or GBL as …

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School as a Game

This post was originally published on the WA CORELaborate site! In a way, school is already a game. Think about it. Think about your top performing or A students. They have figured out how to play the game of school. They know how to complete assignments, turn in their homework, do well on quizzes and …

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Presenting at NCCE 2016!

I’ve been fortunate to, after years of following people on Twitter who got to attend cool conferences and meet face-to-face with virtual friends, to have been able to go to the Northwest Council for Computer Education (NCCE) for the past two years at Seattle and Portland! So last spring, I took a risk. I was …

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Flow in School #gbl #gamification

Gamification and Game-Based Learning (GBL) are all about student engagement. Does the kid in the following picture look engaged? And how often do we see little ones looking like the one above? How often do we see teenagers not just sleeping in class because they are not getting enough sleep at night or because they …

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Other Reasons to Gamify #gamification

I never would have thought of these, but they are interesting indeed and good to know. Even though these reasons to use gamification are targeted to and from the business sector, it doesn’t hurt for those of us in education to tap into this resource and know about these reasons. Find more education infographics on …

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